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Mango Micheladas with JalapeƱo

Mango Micheladas with JalapeƱo

  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 2 1x


  • 1 or 2 Mexican beers
  • 1 cup Clamato Original flavor. I used the 64 ounce bottle.
  • 2 splashes hot sauce
  • Ā¼ tsp of chili pepper
  • 2 limes
  • 1 mango
  • 1 jalapeƱo pepper
  • Ā¼ tsp salt
  • My favorite chilli-salt blend seasoning
  • 1 cup ice


  1. With the help of a lime, wet the edges of the glass. Then sprinkle a little bit of the chilli-salt blend in a small plate and place the glass upside down, so that it is impregnated with the powder.
  2. In another large glass, mix the Clamato tomato juice, hot sauce, chili pepper, Ā¼ teaspoon salt, half of the mango (diced), and half of the jalapeno (minced). Stir very well.
  3. Distribute this mixture halfway in each glass, whose edges have been covered with the chilli-salt blend.
  4. Fill the rest of the glass with a ice and cold beer, mix a little and enjoy.
  5. You can add a slice of lime as a decoration on the rim.
  • Prep Time: 10 mins